How to improve facility access control?

6 June, 2024 | Access control

Are you looking to maximise security in your company, facility or residence? Facility access control is the key.

Discover Weldon’s innovative and effective strategies to strengthen this fundamental aspect of security in your environment.


What is facility access control?

Facility access control is a crucial part of the security and efficient management of any environment, whether it is a company, an educational centre, a residential complex or any other type of facility.

Ensuring that only authorised individuals can access certain areas not only protects assets and sensitive information, but also contributes to maintaining a safe and productive environment for all occupants. 

1. Implementing advanced technology-based access systems

Traditional control access systems, such as mechanical locks and physical keys, are being replaced by more sophisticated and safer technologies. Facility access systems based on smart cards, PIN codes, biometrics and facial recognition offer a higher level of security in eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with conventional keys.

Moreover, these systems allow greater control and tracking of who accesses the facilities and when, which in turn facilitates auditing and regulation compliance.

2. Integrating access control systems with centralised management platforms

Integrating access control systems with centralised management platforms allows for a more efficient and coordinated regulation of security throughout the facility. These centralised platforms allow remote access configuration, detailed reporting and real-time monitoring of access events.

In addition, integration with other security systems, such as video surveillance cameras and alarm systems, provides a holistic view of security and facilitates a rapid response to emergency situations.

3. Use of mobile devices as access credentials

The trend towards mobility has brought about the development of access control solutions based on mobile devices, such as smartphones and smartwatches. These solutions allow users to use their mobile devices as access credentials, eliminating the need to carry physical cards or keys.


In addition to offering comfort and flexibility to users, mobile device-based authentication can provide an additional level of security through multi-factor verification, such as the combination of facial and fingerprint recognition.

4. Implementing access policies based on roles and authorisation levels

Access segmentation and definition of roles and authorisation levels are crucial in order to ensure that each individual has access only to the areas necessary to carry out their duties.

The implementation of specific access policies allows the restricting of access to sensitive areas and ensures confidentiality of critical information.

In addition, the dynamic assigning of context-based permissions, such as the time of day or user location, provides an additional level of security and control over facility access.

5. Staff training and awareness

Last but not least, staff training and awareness are key aspects to ensuring effective control access in any environment. It is essential that all users understand the importance of following established security protocols, protecting their access credentials and reporting any suspicious activity.

Moreover, regular staff training in the best security practices and the proper use of access control systems will help strengthen the security culture within the organisation.

Don’t leave the security of your premises up to fate! At Weldon we understand the importance of effective access control. Contact us for a system that fits your specific needs. With our expert staff and national presence, we guarantee quality and proximity. Want to know more? Contact us now